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Essential Website Features for Filipino Freelancers

Showcasing Your Freelance Work: Must-Have Website Features for Filipino Freelancers | MYZD

April 29, 20234 min read

Hey there, it's Jianne from MYZD!

Picture this: You've been tirelessly sending out applications on OLJ, Upwork, and even those bustling FB groups, yet haven't snagged even a single interview. You're drained and feel like you're shouting into the void. How can you cut through the noise? How can you make your mark in the pile of applications? And then, a light bulb moment - your own website!

Let's talk about it.

In the gig economy here in the Philippines, think of your online presence as your own personal mall - a one-stop-shop where potential clients can window shop your skills, learn about your offerings, and ultimately, decide to do business with you. You might say, "But Jianne, I'm a freelancer, not a web designer." Fret not, my friend, this guide is for everyone - from rookies just dipping their toes in the freelance pool to the seasoned pros, and especially for those who can't tell a CSS from an RSS.

First off, the main event - your portfolio.

This is your chance to strut your stuff, be it graphic design, writing, photography or any other creative gig. Make it a breeze to navigate with crystal clear images or samples of your work. And don't just show - tell! Add a little story about the project, the problem you solved, and how thrilled your client was with the results. This does double duty of showcasing not just your talent, but also your knack for making clients happy.

Speaking of happy clients, nothing sells like a glowing testimonial. It's like having your very own cheerleading squad, singing your praises to potential clients. If you can, include a photo - seeing is believing, after all. Just starting and haven't bagged any testimonials yet? Reach out to previous clients or collaborators, they're usually more than willing to sing a line or two for your cheer.

Next up, the About section.

This is where you share a slice of you. Who are you? Why do you do what you do? Why should clients pick you over Joe Freelancer next door? This is your chance to let your personality shine through and connect on a human level with your potential clients. And don't forget a professional photo - because the face behind the work matters!

Now, lay your cards on the table - your services, that is. Be crystal clear about what you offer, whether it's graphic design, copywriting, SEO services or more. Consider including your pricing, if you have packages or standard rates. The more transparent you are about what you offer and how much it costs, the easier it is for potential clients to decide if you're the one they've been searching for.

And lastly, make it ridiculously easy for them to reach you.

A contact form, your email address, your carrier pigeon's name - okay maybe not the last one, but you get the point. Some freelancers even include a calendar booking link so clients can set up a call or meeting without the back-and-forth emails.

If you've made it this far and are thinking, "Jianne, this sounds great, but I can't tell a domain from a donut," don't panic! That's where we, MYZD, come into play. We're a homegrown website builder that specializes in helping freelancers like you. We've got the tech part covered, so you can focus on what you do best. And the cherry on top? Our service is available at just 400php/month.

So, the bottom line? Having a professional website as a freelancer isn't a luxury, it's a necessity.

And with MYZD, this necessity is within your reach. So why not step up your freelance game and make your mark with MYZD? Your dream website is not a far-fetched idea, but just a few clicks away.

Let's put this in perspective. You're a rockstar in your field. Your work is top-notch. But the clients? They're missing out because they can't find you amidst the crowd. Your website is your stage, your spotlight, your microphone. It's high time you claim it!

Imagine a potential client browsing through your organized and professional website, admiring your portfolio, and thinking, "This is the freelancer I've been looking for!" That can happen, my friend, and MYZD can help make it a reality.

So, here's my challenge to you, my freelance comrade: Make the leap. Step into the spotlight. Show the world what you've got. Because you're not just another name in the sea of freelancers. You're a force to be reckoned with. And your website? That's your battle cry.

Ready to stand out? Let's build your dream website together with MYZD. Your clients are waiting. Don't keep them waiting too long!

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